Saturday, August 29, 2020

I think my biggest issue is, I see too many things that my heart refuses to forget.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Justice 4 All

So first I'm gonna start with Trayvon
they took our lil ute man from we
Diallo!  Diallo! Diallo!
That's part of our history!

Never forget they killed Botham Jean
Ahmaud was running the streets
So where can we roam?

Each and every day on the news all yuh hearing 
Is Blue on Black crime
But when the Good Ole Boys killed Ahmaud
Is Like they taking they time

Two Months gone still no Justice
What kinda facts are those
This time we wont sleep 
Until the Case is closed

How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Ahmaud
How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Breonna Taylor
For Breonna Taylor

Its ashame I gotta mention
Greatest country in the world needs a Fxcking Intervention
I see you marching for your pension
But when a Black man die you nah wah pay attention

You see the right to Bear Arms 
is not the right do harm
But when you fire shots in the eye of the storm
You expect the storm to stay Calm? NAH

In the midst of mass hysteria
They try to kill brothers in America
Nah Nah
In the midst of mass hysteria
They kneeling on brothers in America
Nah Nah

How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Ahmaud
How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Breonna Taylor
For Breonna Taylor

May 25th never thought that I'd see
a white cop take a knee
Murder George on my TV
And now that cops in a penitentiary

And that silly little man in the White House
Best friend of Putin, Condemning Looting
Threatening Shooting, We nah mind he
He Dun Made a Mess of this Whole Damn Country

Brothers, Mind ya step when you take a lil walk outside
Cause ya Camera Phone is ya next best bet Alibi, I 

How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Ahmaud
How Many More have to Die on the Frontline?
How Many More have to Cry?
For Breonna Taylor

The list goes on...

George Floyd 
and on...


Monday, August 24, 2020

Not sure how I feel about this like if this is how they treat they own ppl. How will they treat you?

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

15 Billionaires once Dirt Poor

The Checklist Manifesto

  1.     Joe Polish
  2.     Peter Diamandis
  3.     Tony Robbins - Money Master the Game
  4.     Carl Icahn
  5.     Marc Benioff
  6.     Paul Tudor Jones
  7.     Ray Dalio
  8.     David Swensen
  9.     Howard Marks
  10.     John Boyle
  11.     Jhoon Rhee
  12.     Kyle Bass
  13.     John Templeton
  14.     Charlie Rangel
  15.     Marc Andresson
This next list I have no clue what it relates to but lets get it 

The making of an American Capitalist 

John F Kennedy
Arnold Palmer
Floyd Patterson
Dwight D Eisenhower
J D Salinger
Charles Van Buren
Henry David Thoreau

W Clement Stone
Success Unlimited

*Short Soybeans

Build a Quick Rapport in 10 Steps (Notes from my Notebook)

1. Establish time constraints
2. Accomodate Non Verbals
3. Slow Rate of Speech
4. Sympathy or Assistance Theme
5. Ego Suspension
6. Validate Others
7. Ask How? When? Why?
8. Connect with Quid Pro Qou
9. Gift Giving
10. Give gifts without agenda.

The places where you have the biggest challenges is where you have the most to give. 

The surest way to avoid disappointment is to lower expectations.

Notes from my Notebook 20.Aug.2020

Children begin by loving their parents as they grow older they judge them. Sometimes they forgive them - Oscar Wilde

You cant be stressed and grateful at the same time - Yuri Elkaim

Success revealed

Everybody is a mentor.

Have a constant growth mindset, the size of your life is determined by the size of the problem you solve. 

if you are going to do something DO IT BIG!!!

Dream the Dreams people think impossible. 

1. Think Big - what problem are you trying to solve? Now 10x it

A company will be as great as the people in it. 
A company is made of thing people. 
Pick a great partner. Develop a team. Build a team.

2. Find Great People 

Identify strengths and deficits. Maximize strengths. Find people to enhance deficit. 

Work Hard. Speak Positive. 

The Harder I work, the luckier I get. 

Be Rigorous. Be tenacious. Work Like Hell. 

All those things improve your odds of success. 

Eradicate the Human behavior of Relaxing.  
    While they are sleeping I am working
    Whilst they are eating I am working

Develop Ridiculous Work Ethic. 
Work Your Face Off

Am I really working my face off? 

Where am I relaxing too much?

4. Focusing is about saying NO

Do one thing at a time. 
Focus on the steps

Work is never done 

Say NO!

What do I do best?

Prune Your Life

Find someone better than yourself
Learn to delegate 
Think about the Big Picture

Give Freedom. 

Desperate Obsessive Focus. 

Screw it Lets Do It. 
    Dont Take Failure too Seriously

    Most Billionaires have gone bankrupt 2-3 x

You will be remembered by what you succeed at, put something out there that makes you nervous. 
Invest in Yourself its the Best thing you can do. 

Businesses lose $10,000 a year per employee.

We create 200 years of info every day, the info is coming at you. 


Digiphrenia is the mental struggle of trying to exist in the real world and digital world simultaneously. We now split our attention between these worlds more and more. And, we don’t do it well. You can think of digiphrenia as self-induced ADD related to the addictive use of digital media. It leads to a continuous state of partial attention. We are kind of there in the moment (real world), yet we are not because of digital distraction (digital world).

Stay Focused
Stick to Priorities

Produce More 
Fewer Hours
Less Stress


Dont Choke on the Dust of Your Own regret.

Crush Saboteurs

Stay Hungry- Stay Foolish

You need an intelligent strategy to mold someone who has succeeded.

Documentation beats conversation.

Championships are WON during practice, 

Scale up your skills.

Learn about their goals, priorities and objectives. 
Place theirs ahead of yours 
Allow them to talk, suspend your need to talk.
See their thoughts and opinions

Ego suspension, validate them unconditionally and non judgmentally for who they are.
True validation coupled with ego suspension means that you have no story to offer. That you are there simply to hear theirs. 

Thurs Aug 20 2020

 Jeez its Thursday already I dont even understand how this happens. I dont get it. Time doesnt just fly it soars I dont even get the point of clocking it any more we go from Zoom calls to appointments to our passions to meetings so much its like we forget to be human we dont play baseball or kick a ball around we just exist and get fat. Am i being bleak I dunno Im just expressing myself. all of a sudden i have been seeking community and been paying attention to home issues. It can be quite addictive lemme tell you. 

ive been working on making my morning smoothies less frothy but I tend to forget and mess up. this morning was one fo those mornings.  It got me tight. A lot of shit gets be TIGHT these days. That means angry just in case you aint hip with the lingo.  When the shake is not frothy it just drinks better you feel me?

as much as i create I find myself in consumption mode more and more and more. Its hard to find a balance and by the way its consumption in all things.... most of all sugar..... CUT sugar they say. TIM FERRIS said it so it must be true. I will admit i have done it before and it worked so I think its time I try it again maybe I will be thin by December. but between then and now Im pretty sure I will be ridiculed and shit on. Lets see what it do and see how it goes. 

I might post a photo I might not. Its my blog I will do what I want. RESPECT MY AUTHORITI!!!!

I miss Eric Cartman. when you have a 10 year old you gotta be so careful what you expose him to. and its not so much that he wont be exposed to lets say everything you just dont need to be the one exposing him to it. its some odd type of moral reasoning. 

nevertheless Im happy to have expressed myself. call it reasoning. 


Monday, August 17, 2020

Mon 5:28am

 Well rested they call it I wont front I slept ok. didnt have as much on my mind as i usually do. it was good to just get some escape and watch some movies even if i dozed off sometimes not thinkin about the current issues is cool some times. 

however i just feel like that doesnt last long before you know you have no clue whats going on in the real world and you become a lemming. Its not my favourite game Im sure I could play some more but Im not into like GAMES GAMES they bore me. I think that just comes from over exposure. I need to listen to some music cause my gosh Im stuck in a style and I dont like it so i need more influence. But Im stuck in a style that I like to hear as well.

I need to stop drinking this ginger tea its tooooo sweet thats why I like it I know the key to my weight loss is getting off sugar and there are a few things I have stopped eating so I can certainly starting giving myself credit for that. For as much ill discipline there is around me I am pretty disciplined but I know I can do alot better. Im trying thats important so I will keep it up. Didnt really get mad yesterday I wonder what is behind that is it cuz I didnt do much? I dunno am I bitters I dunno. 

Submitted two songs to crucial. I saw it takes 12 weeks for a song to be reviewed nuts but in those 12 weeks I need to find other parties to rock with in the meantime. i dont know if to believe what Im told anymore its alot to just hear the same things over and over and not see any change. Im just being really. well. its time to make time start counting for something. Help is not on the way. They buy your votes but not your soul and thats just how it is. I see what being money hungry is doing its making us feel like well if I could just do THIS everything would be cool but LIFE doesnt work like that it just doesnt. 

I got alot of unfinished business so NOW i need to work on finishing it. It may mean that I need to start getting vicious and ignorant again but thats just part of the process now isnt. Lets see how that all goes and lets see how far I can take it. I really dont like the fact that I always have to be the asking the questions seeking solutions Ideas and figuring things out but it is what it is. So lets keep the ball rolling and go from from there. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

 You know what my father said about innocent clients? ... He said the scariest client a lawyer will ever have is an innocent client. Because if you fuck up and he goes to prison, it'll scar you for life ... He said there is no in-between with an innocent client. No negotiation, no plea bargain, no middle ground. There's only one verdict. You have to put an NG up on the scoreboard. There's no other verdict but not guilty."



Notes from Aug 15 2020

If you are not indispensable (yet) its because you have made that choice. My goal is to help you see that the choice is yours. 

School exists for a reason, but that reason might not be what you think it is. 

The linchpin is an individual who can walk into chaos and create order, some who can invent, connectm create and make things happen. 

To become indispensable involves doing difficult work. Linchpins are geniuses, artist and gives of gifts. 

The hard work isnt lifing or shoving or sharpening. The hard work is being brace enough to make a difference. 

Deep within your brain lies the amygdala, the lizard brain. It sets out to sabotage anything that feels threatening, risky or generous. Until you name recognize and deal with the resistance you will stay frustrated.

Art is a gift. The culture of gifts has a long history on this planet, and understanding how it brings people together is a critical step in becoming indispensable. 

Indispensable linchpins are note waiting for instructions but instead figuring out what to do next. 

Your personality and attitude are more important than the actual work product you create because indispensable work is work that is connected to others. 

There are no guarantees that the marketplace (commerce) will embrace your ideas (art). And when the connection isnt made, blind persistence isnt always the best approach.

This new dream isnt about obedience, its about vision and engagement. 

Notes from 16 August 2020

I dont believe in art that doesnt bleed sweat or cry


even in the past I was from the future 

Fred Hampton gunned down?

We spent every last cent at the seed store. 

Of all the Genders boys are the stupidest

16 is younger than Trayvon and Older than Emmet Till

American Guns Down Black Bodies and then Walks around them Bored

In the police car the only thing that really speaks is my skin.

By the grace of God I'm not feed to the Beast today

I really dont care about your rights, Your mission is to get home to me 

My pain is a walking bassline

Driving while black is its own Genre of experience 

Black Music at its best is a response to America at its worst.

alot of us have arguments that we have no solution for 

You cant save your way to wealth. 

Joseph Carlson

Sun 6:55am

 i used to watch Ted talks all the time,  im not sure what happened to me. i used to think that i could just be enlightened all by myself then that got boring. for some reason i wanted ppl to know how smart i was or i was just using that as an excuse to cover up how lonely i was or how much I judged ppl around me for not knowing the things I know. Im not sure I dont know..

I think its so cool that for $9 you can buy a url and set up a free website its sad that after you die these things just disappear cause you couldnt afford to pay for them any more. I guess you gift in the afterlife is that well if you made something good ppl will fight to keep it and take quotes and misquotes about it and share. 

i dunno, i also dont know why I double space when i get to a new paragraph maybe its anxiety cause then I always go back and fix it. im starting to think I was made to be a typer cause I think faster than I can put words to paper and the stuff I write on paper never makes sense to me when im done writing it. they call it free writing. I think thats what im doing now but im storing it on the net. interesting. 

I think we have to leave our mark. dont you i mean even if you dont have kids you are likely to have a kid that looks up to you isnt that worth something. however since ppl are gonna see the mark you are leaving are you even telling the truth? its alot to think about. well im thinking about it. 

im thinking i dont want to cut my hair but im also thinking I dont want my hair style to be a burden. why do we struggle with such foolishness why do I even bother. I dunno time will tell I will figure it out. In the mean time. I will try to be consistent with populating the internet with my nonsense. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Some ppl dont know how to work in ISOLATION....

How the Pandemic Defeated America. (The Atlantic)

How did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom.